Do not Overuse Praising Kids 'Beautiful' or 'handsome'
- Every parent would be proud to have a child who is physically beautiful or handsome. However, do not overdo praise the child's physical advantages because it could have negative consequences for the development of youth and family psychologist mentalnya.Menurut Sosrowardojo holy, praise more emphasis on physical appearance will make the child feel that it should dikedepankan.Anak would be too self-concious , the world seemed to spin on her physical appearance alone. So instead must not praise, but proportionally, the word sanctuary in between the talk show themed Body Image Issues in Childhood Pre-Teen held by Frisian Flag in Jakarta (06/21/2016) .Sutji said, parents should not judge the child only just from the appearance or shape of the body alone. That means, do not praise or criticize excessive anak.Orangtua body shape gives a great influence on the way children perceive the image of him. The result can be positive or negative, says psychologist active in the community parenting Joy ini.Daripada too focused on children's physical, parents should further highlight the positive value of the character or personality of the child anak.Kecerdasan also not only about the academy, but also the ability to adapt in a new environment or jolly nature. So praise her beauty was associated with his personality, he will feel more appreciated, paparnya.Anak gets the credit will be felt inner personality pretty well, so that it radiates beauty though her body was sempurna.Tekankan children that beauty or handsomeness was no standard, depending on who is looking. Tell the children that it means beautiful beautiful inner and birth. With a beautiful mind, would have radiated outward, ujarnya.Sutji said, it is not easy to convince the child that physical appearance does not really matter. However, as parents we can instill the importance of assessing a person of his personality so that the child will have a positive self-image.
Do not Overuse Praising Kids 'Beautiful' or 'handsome'
- Every parent would be proud to have a child who is physically beautiful or handsome. However, do not overdo praise the child's physical advantages because it could have negative consequences for the development of youth and family psychologist mentalnya.Menurut Sosrowardojo holy, praise more emphasis on physical appearance will make the child feel that it should dikedepankan.Anak would be too self-concious , the world seemed to spin on her physical appearance alone. So instead must not praise, but proportionally, the word sanctuary in between the talk show themed Body Image Issues in Childhood Pre-Teen held by Frisian Flag in Jakarta (06/21/2016) .Sutji said, parents should not judge the child only just from the appearance or shape of the body alone. That means, do not praise or criticize excessive anak.Orangtua body shape gives a great influence on the way children perceive the image of him. The result can be positive or negative, says psychologist active in the community parenting Joy ini.Daripada too focused on children's physical, parents should further highlight the positive value of the character or personality of the child anak.Kecerdasan also not only about the academy, but also the ability to adapt in a new environment or jolly nature. So praise her beauty was associated with his personality, he will feel more appreciated, paparnya.Anak gets the credit will be felt inner personality pretty well, so that it radiates beauty though her body was sempurna.Tekankan children that beauty or handsomeness was no standard, depending on who is looking. Tell the children that it means beautiful beautiful inner and birth. With a beautiful mind, would have radiated outward, ujarnya.Sutji said, it is not easy to convince the child that physical appearance does not really matter. However, as parents we can instill the importance of assessing a person of his personality so that the child will have a positive self-image.