Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Shop 'Ndomblong', Drinking Coffee While Learning Java Script

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Shop 'Ndomblong', Drinking Coffee While Learning Java Script

YOGYAKARTA, When diliat, coffee shops located in Bukit Brambang, Srimulyo, Piyungan Bantul, Yogyakarta is like some other places. Open from 16. 00 pm, every visitor coffee shop called Ndomblong can enjoy a variety of variants. From the start Arabica s / d Robusta. While you enjoy a cup of coffee, visitors are spoiled situation and such a beautiful panorama. It is fitted in the hills Brambangan very many visitors see the beauty of the sparkling lights of the city of Yogyakarta. However, signing in, sit down and read the menu, so visitors will ndomblong other words stunned and understand inequality with other coffee shops. Because, if not fluent reading characters (letters) Java can be sure visitors will be confused message menu at Café Ndomblong. Bagimana not, the menu at the coffee shop is all dressed characters (letters) Java. Until when do not understand Java, so will ndomblong letter. Joko initiators Café Ndomblong explained, now some people have forgotten by writing Java Java. Therefore, it seems was the inspiration plans to reintroduce young people to the Javanese. The medium is the coffee shop. Intend all use Java script, so that the young generation wants to learn, said Joko, Monday (11/03/2015). This plan, according to Joko, not to seek sensation, but more reserved at this time so that the younger generation knows about writing Java script. Until its existence remains sustainable. Media to reintroduce the writing of Java, a coffee shop, where the atmosphere is more relaxed enjoy as well. The spirit is lifted ie drinking coffee as a learning facility Javanese script, he said. Except for coffee drink so, in a coffee shop Ndomblong also sell packages of 100 gr. Uniquely in the coffee package that also uses Java script. There is only one sentence in a coffee package that uses bhs Indonesia. That sentence reads Just for Europeans. Want to understand what's up. Actually, even the Europeans who can read Java script in the package this coffee, he said. Joko was forced to acknowledge each person learn bhs or Java script. But if anyone is interested, he is also ready to teach as what has been doing until now in the coffee shop. The hope is indeed so that the young generation wants to learn. If do not want ya did nothing. If you want to drink coffee while we learn Javanese, he said.

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