Rabu, 30 November 2016

7 Habits in the Morning That Can Affect Weight

7 Habits in the Morning That Can Affect Weight
For those of you who are in weight loss programs, note this well: what you do or do not do in the morning is key to the success of your program.
Listen, any morning habits of those who successfully lose weight and now own weight.

PagiBerjemur sun bathing in the sun can help you lose weight, is that according to research published in the journal PLoS ONE.
The scientists evaluated 54 volunteers were asked to wear a bracelet monitor that records their exposure to sunlight in the morning for seven days. During that period, participants must write their caloric intake in a diary.
The research found that people who spend more time in the sun in the morning had a lower BMI than those who do not like the morning sun bathing, no matter their age, activity level, or what they eat.
Why? Because the morning sunlight helps regulate your biological internal clock, which helps regulate your sleep schedule (important for weight loss).
Morning sunlight also contains high levels of blue light is higher, so the effect is strongest against your circadian rhythm. You only need 20-30 minutes of sun exposure between eight in the morning until 10 am.

Quite tidurTip which is closely related to the previous tip. More sleep will help you eat less and reduce cravings.
Researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin examined the sleep patterns of 10 young adults who are at risk of overweight and obesity are reported to have time to sleep less than six and a half hours each night.
For the first week of the study, they are stuck with their old sleep schedule. In the second and third weeks, they can change the length of time to sleep to eight and a half hours.
On average, they sleep can add about 1.6 hours of sleep time and decreased appetite by 14 percent and decrease cravings by 62 percent.

Mindfulness Mindfulness is the key to weight loss strategy. Mindfulness is a mental condition that is calm and focus on the present, not worrying that has not happened, or lament the past. Mindfulness can stabilize your emotions, reduce the potential stress that can push your appetite.
Researchers at the University of Utah evaluating 38 people aged 20 to 45 years. For two days, researchers observed their emotional state throughout the day to keep track of their physical and cognitive arousal before bed.
Those who have a mental condition that is mindful experience less mood swings. Start your morning with meditation before breakfast. Meditation helps you relax and have a quiet mental attitude and focus.

Leave the car AndaSebuah study published in the journal BMJ suggests that people are walking, cycling and taking public transit has a BMI and body fat percentage is lower than those who rely on their cars to get to work.
University College London team collected data BMI and body fat percentage of more than 7,000 people. As a result, it was found that the women who use a method other than the car has a BMI of about 0.7 lower than those using private cars.

TinggiProtein protein breakfast in the morning can help you lose weight. Scientists at Biofortis Clinical Research and the University of Missouri gave 35 women of ages 18-55 are three different breakfasts.
There were only given a glass of water, fat and fiber, three grams of protein, dani 30 to 39 grams of protein. It turns out that a breakfast high in protein they feel less hungry and eat 175 fewer calories at lunch.
Protein takes longer to digest and push your body secrete gut hormones peptide YY, which helps increase the feeling of satiety.
Spend a few minutes every morning to make sure you eat enough snacks, advice Keri Glassman, M.S., R.D., a physician nutrition.
Many people underestimate how much fuel they need throughout the day and only equip themselves with an apple in the bag. Enough to eat in the morning is the road to weight loss success. Plus, reduce cravings afternoon which usually cost more than the cost of breakfast.

BerolahragaSebuah study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that women who exercise in the morning, turned out to be less tempted by pictures of the food was delicious.
The study involved 17 participants with weights sehatdan 18 overweight participants. They were asked to walk briskly for 45 minutes in the morning.
Apart from those not interested in the image of unhealthy foods, they also turned out to be more active throughout the day, no matter how large their weight. The result is they can burn more calories on the day they exercise.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Jeruk Nipis

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Jeruk Nipis

7 Manfaat Latihan Sepeda

Ketika Anda melangkah ke pusat kebugaran atau gym khas di mana saja di dunia, sepeda olahraga adalah sesuatu yang Anda tidak akan mudah terjawab. Ini adalah "harus memiliki" untuk semua gyms dalam ruangan. Mengapa demikian? Karena ada begitu banyak manfaat dari menggunakan peralatan olahraga ini. Hal ini dicintai oleh banyak orang karena efektivitas dalam latihan cardio dan kesederhanaan untuk digunakan. Di kota-kota urban, bekerja pada sepeda latihan dalam ruangan adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk latihan mengingat jadwal kerja yang sibuk kebanyakan orang.

 Daftar manfaat latihan sepeda tercantum di bawah ini:

 1) Meningkatkan kebugaran dan menurunkan berat badan pada waktu yang sama.
 Naik dengan bersepeda dapat sangat cepat membawa detak jantung Anda ke zona target dengan mudah tanpa terlalu banyak usaha. Hal ini penting, karena penurunan berat badan yang efektif dan kebugaran hanya dapat dicapai jika hati Anda berdetak di zona latihan target untuk jangka waktu tertentu.

 2) Mudah digunakan.
 Kurva belajar untuk naik sepeda sangat pendek dibandingkan dengan peralatan olahraga dalam ruangan lainnya seperti mesin elips. Naik dengan bersepeda tidak memerlukan balancing atau keterampilan tertentu. Kebanyakan orang mulai dari usia 7-70 tahu bagaimana naik sepeda tanpa masalah besar. Hal ini mudah dan menyenangkan.

 3) Lembut dampak latihan.
 Naik di sepeda latihan mudah bagi sendi Anda terutama bila Anda menggunakan jenis telentang. Tidak seperti berjalan di treadmill, tekanan tubuh Anda tidak pada sendi lutut. Hampir tidak ada stres untuk sendi Anda sama sekali ketika menggunakan sepeda. Oleh karena itu tidak mungkin untuk menimbulkan cedera selama bekerja.

 4) Memungkinkan multi-tasking
 Manfaat besar dari sepeda latihan adalah bahwa hal itu memungkinkan pengendara untuk multi-tugas saat berolahraga. Kebanyakan orang suka menonton program TV favorit mereka saat naik, dan beberapa hanya tidak bisa mengambil mata mereka dari majalah favorit mereka atau novel saat mengendarai pergi. Dengan multi-tasking, secara tidak langsung membantu pengendara untuk sementara melupakan kelelahan dan fokus pada sesuatu yang mereka gemari. Ini akan membuat pengendara tidak merasa lelah dengan mudah, dan karena itu mampu bertahan latihan lagi.

 5) Untuk membentuk tubuh bagian bawah
 Jika tujuan Anda adalah untuk memiliki paha rupawan, betis dan bawah yang ketat, kemudian bekerja secara konsisten di sepeda pasti akan membuat Anda di sana. Latihan sepeda fokus pada otot perut Anda, paha belakang, serta otot-otot di sekitar daerah pinggul. Jadilah disiplin dan konsisten dalam latihan Anda, dan Anda akan terlihat bagus di celana pendek, celana dan celana jeans.

 6) Cocok untuk orang-orang senior dan orang-orang pulih dari cedera
 Karena kursi yang sangat nyaman dari sepeda telentang dan biasanya berjalan melalui desain sepeda, sangat cocok untuk orang yang memiliki kendala gerakan untuk menggunakannya. Bagi orang-orang senior, ini adalah salah satu jenis latihan terbaik untuk mereka karena tidak mudah menyebabkan cedera. Bagi mereka yang pulih dari cedera atau sakit, bekerja pada sepeda latihan akan membuat mereka aktif dan belum cukup lembut untuk tidak agregat luka mereka.

 7) pelatih dalam ruangan yang sangat baik
 Dengan sepeda stasioner tegak, mensimulasikan naik pada pembalap jalan sebenarnya. Dalam kondisi cuaca buruk, bekerja pada sepeda stasioner dalam ruangan adalah cara terbaik untuk melatih. Selain itu, level resistance dapat disesuaikan untuk mensimulasikan naik menanjak atau medan bergelombang yang mungkin ditemui di jalan nyata balap acara.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Emergency, Fasting But Weight Even Up! - Compass.

Emergency, Fasting But Weight Even Up! - Compass.
A glass of sweet iced tea with brownish water over the grains of glass looks so refreshing, fit for fasting. Pictured, when the drink was flowing into the mouth, the sweetness of a tongue addicted. The esophagus is a day of parched suddenly moist and fresh.
Indeed, sugary drinks often a start-up menu for the fasting person after a day of hunger and thirst. Not quite there, the next menu is equally sweet, compote or fruit ice bersirup often eaten anyway.
If you wish Fasting is an event of ideal body shape, then vanished this expectation. Dish above will actually make weight gain, even though you had a month of fasting. How so?
Clinical nutrition specialist, Saptiawati Bardosono, explain that you gain weight when Fasting caused the error type and amount of food consumption.
"" The drinks and sugary foods makes the brain tend to be quickly feel satisfied, even though the calories you drink is already a lot, '' said Saptiawati quoted by Kompas.com, Monday (06/30/2014).
Kompas.com/Sri Anindiati Nursastri Assorted compote, fruit ice, and ice cantaloupe bloom sold during the month of Ramadan. Unfortunately, most of these foods contain high sugar.

Not only that. Processed foods and sugary drinks-including biscuits, chocolate, or candy-is a kind of simple carbohydrates that are easily digested body into blood sugar.
When consumed, blood sugar will soar high and then fall quickly. The body becomes weak, drowsiness, and easily hungry even though the calorie consumption is enough.
"" Not to mention the impact of sugary drinks and foods are addictive. After drinking or eating sweets, people are more likely to want to eat sweet things again, ' "said Saptiawati.
If you intend to have a thinner body when Eid, should replace the opening menu with healthy sweet foods such as dates or other fruits. Dates was actually better direct ripe from the tree. It seemed too sweet and slightly sepet, with dates in different grocery stores in the country.
But if you prefer the other fruit, the consumption of which contain lots of water such as watermelon and cantaloupe. Do not forget, also multiply the water intake to avoid dehydration.
Additionally, the main menu should be noted also break their fasting. Nutrients are most needed by the body after a day of fasting is a complex carbohydrate that can be found in brown rice, black rice, and boiled potatoes.
This type of fiber-rich carbohydrates so that the body is absorbed slowly. By doing so, the blood sugar goes up regularly and inserted slowly into the cells by insulin. Already a healthier body, scales shrink anyway.
In addition, protein is also an important compound for tubug. Fish, meat, or egg whites must enter the menu. Conversely, high fat foods such as fried foods or fast food is better avoided. If not, certainly successful weight increases.
Not only foods and beverages that need to be sorted carefully. You also must be alert to the amount of intake during Ramadan.
The simple formula for weight loss is the energy burned must be more than deposited. That is, consumption should be limited. Do not go crazy when eating the iftar meal.
"" If the meal (portion) is normal, open (also) normal, weight can be decreased because of the time we do not eat as much as a normal day, "" said a doctor of nutrition Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Fiastuti Witjaksono, filtered nationalgeographic.co.id Thursday (18/06/2015).
In addition to the amount of intake, total activity shall be the record anyway. When the fasting month we usually less eager to move, let alone exercise. In fact, to support weight loss programs, exercise needs to be done.
THINKSTOCKPHOTOS use health app to help you lose and maintain a healthy weight.
So as not attacked by dehydration, do the exercise on the afternoon before iftar. Do not be too heavy, lightweight running one kilometer enough to burn fat. Or, if possible, you can insert sports schedule after breaking the fast.
Because a lot of things need to be considered, you better take advantage of applications that can help keep the intake and activity. Select the application that has features of daily activity in order to diet and time consumption can be arranged. For example, the amount of food when the meal, or iftar.
Not only that, the time to make ends meet tight enough fluids during the fasting month. Therefore, better application can also help you set the frequency of drinking water every day. Medcare application, for example, has a total adjustment feature drinks in a single day.
Application compatible with IOS and Android operating systems can also schedule time you exercise and rest. If you have this, there was no reason forget. Most importantly, your motivation should be high.
Happy fasting!
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